Yesterday we finally had a little break from all the oppressive heat and humidity. ~ There was little humidity, but temps were a respectable 29c/86f though still quite hot in the sun. I had been housebound long enough because of COPD, so off we went to the
park. (clickable thumbnails)

A few wild flowers

Can't have flowers without a butterfly.

A different shot of the river

And of course Freddy Frog has to have a show.

Yours truly, for after all the trip out is for our benefit.
beautiful as always :)
Thanks Newnorth, I want to see it in the fall, bet the color's are great. :)
Good to see you out again. Thanks for sharing the beauty of the spot. Out here it gets so brown, I almost fogot what luch green looks likw in nature. :)
Enjoy the green anytime Leon, you are more than welcome my friend. It felt good to get out again. Thank you for the visit. :)
Hi Eric
Sorry it took me so long to return your most welcome visit!
Been kind of busy!
Our son headed off to college on Sat, and we had to bring stuff to him on Monday!
We sure do miss him.
As always I enjoy your posts, and especially this one!
Beautiful pictures!
They made me smile!
Thanks my friend!
Take good care, and please stay well!
P.S I'll be heading up to Nova Scotia next Thursday, and be there till Sept 6th.
I'm really looking forward to my trip!
Margie! It is so good to see you again. Isn't that always the way ~ They go one day and there is a reason to visit almost right away! LOL
I am sure you will miss him for a little while, but I'm guessing he will be home no later than Xmas. :)
So you are finally off to Nova Scotia, well you do get around I can say that. That's another trip that I am sure you have looked forwad to for some time now, I'm sure you will enjoy your stay there.
Glad as always to see you and that you enjoy my posts/pictures. I do try to stay as healthy as is possible.
You too take care and not too much Lobster! :)
Eric, this post was just what I needed yesterday. We were not having a break in our weather!- although we do have one today and they're promising it will keep up for the weekend, so I'm not complaining!
I've added your beautiful photographs to my Five For Friday -Favorite Posts
Thank you!
Hi Karen, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. I am pleased that you found just what you needed here in my blog. :)
As a COPDer yourself you can appreciate how nice it is to be able to get outside.
Thanks for puting my pics up on your Friday 5 Favs.
Breathe easy.
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