For good measure snow & ice covered the truck to the point, we couldn’t get the doors to open for a while at least. It sure was a cold blustery wind blowing, ~ even the poor birds were puffing up in an attempt to keep dry and warm.

Woody Woodpecker, a regular visiter.

Today the feeders went down in a hurry I can tell you, even these two little Juncos, were looking at each other as if to say. ”What happened!” Today then was quite a busy day in the bird eatery dep’t! More cold weather is on the way.
-10 degrees...!
cant imagine...
here the sun is blazing, cant walk even 50 feet without an umbrella...!
We have no snow as of yet, but I have noticed the birds reacting to the approaching winter; the number of birds round my feeder has increased and they eat away at it very quickly. For the first time I saw a Black Woodpecker yesterday in the woods just behind our garden.
Hi Shades it's even colder right now and the snow is glistening like a jewel in the sunlight, winter has arrived. :)
Good morning Swen, yes there is defernately more bird activity with the cold.
Already this morning, there has been a Red Cardinal, 2 Blue Jays, the reguler run of the smaller birds, Finches etc, we also had two Woodpeckers and also a Nuthatch & a red breasted Nuthatch~
Quite a parade, but it's lovely to see then that close. Problem is when you try to get a picture they get a little skitsy & take off. :)
Here too. We woke up to about an inch of snow on Wednesday, a skiff on Thursday and it's now snowing pretty good today. Good day to stay home and just watch the snow.
Stay warm Eric!
Hi Z, yes defernately snuggle up in a blanket weather today up here. Watching the birds is cute too with the snow flakes. :)
We haven't had snow yet but the frost was an inch thick the other morning and the dog's outside water dish was frozen solid. We definitely don't get below -10 or have the same amount of snow as you though. There's not many birds here now either. Nice photos Eric.
Hi Janice, it's hard to imagine a place as beautiful as B.C. without birds.
I do know though that there are Bald Eagles and early morning crows there to go with the mist, plus many others no doubt. :)
ohhh so beautifull the snow!!! i want snow!!!
-10 degrees cant imagine too!!!
Hello Soul&body, thank you for visiting. I am guessing that you don't get snow & cold where you are.
Strange the different parts of the world. :)
That's so nice seeing the birds eating up to keep warm..we have many birds here too Eric. They are such a great part of our day, all :^D
Hi Singing Stream, nice seein ya!
Yep, whatcha might call a birdie brunch. LOL ~ groan. :)
oh wow SNOW! sweet. It just got hot and muggy here again, after a few days of "wait does the wind have a touch of coolness to it?"
hope you manage to stay warm!
Hi Newnorth, nice seein ya, the snow right now has turned rainy but it will be back soon. If it's not warm enough, I stay home! :)
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