Yesterday we went to the park. In the morning I was feeling very restless. I know that this came from checking my post for Tuesday.
The post simply read “Fateful Times” a poem that I wrote a number of years ago. Last Tuesday was the 6th anniversary of the infamous 9-11. ~
Yesterday we went to the park, yet thoughts were weighing heavy on my mind. Physically I was not having a very good start to the day, but I still had to get out and enjoy a little of what is left of the summer season.
From previous posts you have noted our enjoyment of this little piece of heaven, this corner of the ‘Garden of Eden’, ~ this ‘Willow Park‘.
It was an overcast day to begin with the temp’s hovering around 68f.
As I drove along the highway, I was having my doubts about whether this was a good decision to have made, ~ I drove anyway.
It was a similar morning six years ago that was preying on my mind. On that day many people left the house to go to work, or their daily business, just like any other day. Too many of them never came back home.
So many people died that morning and they never even knew it was coming, let alone how. Such a horrific scene, such a deep scar on the face of humanity.

Yesterday we drove to the park, and were thankful to be able to do so. We enjoyed the simple pleasures of the wonders of nature, clouds overhead with the odd burst of sunshine. Finally between sun bursts, a turtle sunning on a log in the pond along with three baby turtles on smaller logs, you can see a baby in the top righthand corner. We were beginning to wonder if there were indeed any turtles around. But yesterday was Painted turtle day and the bull frogs were conspicuous in their absence.
Like us the turtles time is coming to a close here at the park, as they are known to hibernate beneath the mud in the pond for the winter. ~ Amazingly, these turtles can survive without oxygen up to five months at 37.4f ~
Yesterday Ted wasn’t home playing his classical music, so everything seemed extremely quiet around the park. The geese flying overhead were the only sounds, other than the music of the rippling stream as the water hurried itself over the rocks and slipped away into the distance.
I reminded myself that there are not too many days left before the park will be closing up for this season. I still had to get photo’s though when the leaves turned, for they would complete the picturesque scenes of this place we have grown to love so much. I counted the days that there are left to come here and uttered my thanks that we should be so privileged.
My mind was active as we drove home from our September day at the park. ~
I thought of another September day, six years ago. ~
Hi Eric...
I'll come back to read this post and your poem...
just want to stop by quickly to say thank you for leaving nice word about my friends' painting, I'll let them know.
It is already 2.40am, so my eye is sleeping out on me .... good night
What a beautiful park Eric - I see fall colors have arrived there too. We are so fortunate to have such beauty around us and at times like this we are truly thankful we are here to enjoy it. Sometimes it is only through tragedy we learn to appreciate to the utmost every moment we have...
Hello Mate,
I'm sorry I haven't been commenting much, I've been bogged down lately. I am sorry you were feeling a bit down this morning. I hope you are back in good spirits. I really enjoy the photos mate.
here's hoping you hav a great weekend.
Hello Tim, good of you to drop in, I look forward to seeing you later. have a good sleep my friend. :)
It is a beautiful place Janice, we go as often as we can and moreso now that the season is drawing to an end.
Thankyou again for your visits and such nice words.
Hi Augs my mate! I had noticed you seemed to be missing in action a little lately LOL Good to see you back.
Starting a day off not so well is a common situation with COPD Augs, it's what one does with the rest of the day that counts my friend. Have a great weekend. :)
I love when turtles do that. Hope the new seasons brings new things for you to photograph :)
Thank you Newnorth, that is a very nice sentiment.
Wildlife can look so entertaining when they do their natural thing.. :)
Yeah, september day will continue to weight heavy on many people for a long time to go. Unfortunately for some will be very painful for the rest of life ... faith see to it that healing will soon one day be complete alas the memory will always stay i guess.
Thanks for relating your feeling on the september day to ignite my owm feeling about it.
Looking forward to the final picture of the park for this season, and may the turtles hibernate in peace through the winter to come.
I love the sound of stream and silence that you describe for the park.... almost felt that even the classical music would be an intrusion.
good weekend to you
Hi Tim, thank you for returning again.
Your astute observations are always refreshing to me my friend.
I was thinking the same thing about the stream & the music too. :)
Isn't it wonderful to have a place like that park? It's good for your soul and mind. I just came back from a two-hour walk among fields and through some woodlands in wonderful sunshine. It does you good!
I can see that you also experience the feelings that come from jostling with Mother Nature Swen.
Thank you for your visit and such invigorating words. :)
enjoyed this nice piece of writing and the cute picture of turtle...
Thank you Shades, glad you enjoyed, it's always nice when friends drop in. :)
Hope you are keeping ok and taking more pictures.
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