We were at the park again on Sunday, the days are getting shorter and the summer is drawing in. I never mentioned before, but near the entrance to Willow Park there is a day care nursery school. The air is usually filled with chattering shrieking children, most days when we arrive at the park, but they are just kids having fun.
Today when we got there, the playground was standing empty but the signs of kids were still unmistakably scattered around. Over by a far fence there were tricycles & scooters. Gently blowing around in the breeze, was a red balloon, but restrained still, by the captive fence.
There is plenty of evidencet this week that fall is well under way, with leaves falling like red and orange colored raindrops, soon to be replaced with feathery flakes of white as the face of winter arrives with a vengeance.
The very landscape seems busy preparing itself for that Christmas card look, that comes with the approach of cold blustery snowy days & Santa Claus.
Small chipmunks and squirrels scurrying around gathering up winter nuts, food supplies, before the blanket of white covers them up to sleep, the turtles having disappeared already. Strangely, when leaving to drive home on this, one of these waning days, my thoughts were filled by a red balloon.

A red balloon escapes-
Twisting, turning lazily
In a shifting wind.
No longer tethered-
To a sleepy child’s hand.

A leafless limb,
stark against an autumn sky.
Music faint-
Amid the swirling mist -
Oh yes. I've been listening to the neighborhood kids all summer. Now I wonder where they will be come winter.
Nice poem. I like the pictures and sound it paints.
Hi, I guess that most kids will be glued to the TV, or out playing road hockey like they do up here.
Glad you like the poem & pics. Thanks for your visit. :)
Eric - That last photo brings back memories of when I lived in upstate NY in the late '60s. Oh, those fall colors! Thank you for sharing them with us. :-)
Hi Leon you are welcome.
It's funny at times, where we up here take these things so much for granted, not realizing that other folks don't always get the same chance to see the way we do.
I will get more together and do a run in a few days. Thanks for visiting my friend. :)
Mendelssohn sounds good to me Eric! Love these and the fall photo is beautiful...also enjoyed the image of a sleepy child in your first verse.
Fall is definitely in full force here too.
Hi Janice, thanks.
I guess you could say that nature is very active right, now with a palette of many colors to put to use. The strains of music in the air is the finishing touch. :)
Ahhhhh...that was a great read..:^D
Thank you Singing Stream, much appreciated. Always nice to see you visit here. :)
After reading this I am really ready to get out of here. Fall is always the hardest for me because it's my favorite season and it doesn't really exist here.
Every time the breeze has a touch of coolness I get excited. Then the next time I go outside it feels like summer again.
...but I'm trying to see what differences there are here that I've never noticed.
Thanks for the touch of fall!
Hi Newnorth, sorry you miss out on the fall so much. Over the next few days I will be out taking more pictures of the fall colors, which I will put in here soonest.
I might add that I often think of the warmth of Florida in the middle of winter up here and wish. :)
Beautiful post! I also found the zuchinni (sp?) post very fun and enjoyable as well.
I am sorry that the COPD is being more troublesome lately. I noticed that with my mother she had more challenges and difficulties during significant transitions in weather.... summer to fall and also winter into spring. I am wondering if perhaps your challenges may be relating to that?
I'm so happy that you are motivated to be your very best every day Eric...(((((Hugs))))) And for one of the dearest motivators, with a warm heart full of Love and Kindness to match yours...(((((ELizabeth)))))
Thank you for your confidence Singing Stream, but not every day am I able to step to the plate, though we do try.
Elizabeth is my right hand. I could not have put it a better way, than the way you did. Thank you my friend. :)
Hi Pipe, nice to see you paying a visit. I am pleased that you had some enjoyment from my posts.
It's true I like to try and make a funny out of situations such as the zucchini did, & still does for there is still some left in the fridge. :)
You are right of course in relation to the weather playing a part in the health dep't. With COPD it is the nature of the disease to be there 24/7 and the weather doesn't help. Education of it is the best way to combat whatever it throws at you. Each day can be different, but we survive my friend. :)
I sympathize with what your Mother went through pipe.
mate, it never surpises me the way you have with words. This post was an excellent read. I look forward to your writings. If you want a couple young kids who cause a lot of noise in your home, give me a yell, I can set you up and the wife with Budski & Bud-Bud for a weekend. HA HA HA
I'm so glad you enjoy so much the things I write Augs. :)
The offer of the kids is fine, except we have no place to put them! hahaha Nice try Augs my friend. :)
like I was there, your words of summer closing and fall coming are so very colorful.
//To a sleepy child’s hand.
A leafless limb,
stark against an autumn sky.//
Love your poem and this lines above I like.
take care, Eric:))
Thank you Tim for your kind words.
It's true though that the fall colors herald summers end, but with such beauty & flare. :)
Hope things are well with you my friend.
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