Sunday, January 1, 2012

Foggy nite

Dec 30th the weather here was weird to say the least, warm then cool and of course lots of fog.. These pictures taken from our balcony are a result of the scene..... Turned out not too bad.. ~~
click to enlarge ~~



RoySr said...

Great shots Eric.

Here's to a great new year for you Eric. Take care, be safe, and come see us when you can. You are always in our thought.

Love the previous postings of verse ......


forsythia said...

Very nice! Quite special.

Happy New Year.

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Roy! what a nice surprise, thank you for your ever kind words and the invite, I will drop by soon~ as I am trying to get back in stride.. :)

Happy New Year my friend.. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Thank you Forsythia, it was something different to try...It does have an eerie effect about it which makes it likable. :)

Happy New Year to you also.. :)

Barbara/myth maker said...

Both these photos are elegantly done.

Eric Valentine said...

Hello mythmaker, thank you very much for your compliment.. It was indeed a surprise to see you visit, do call again. :)

Stephanie said...

Artistic shot, one would think it was a charcoal drawing. Happy New Year, Eric!

Margie said...

The pictures are awesome, Eric.
Wonderful capture of a foggy nite!

Margie :)

Eric Valentine said...

Stephanie, it's funny you should say that Elizabeth thought the same thing.. Thanks for the visit again.. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Margie, good to see you are up and about again, thank you for your kind words also.

I will have to try and get around the board more now, I am a little behind in my visits with everyone.. :)

C'ya :)