Saturday, May 22, 2010


If we are to be friends,
Let it be for a lifetime.
If we are enemies,
Let us
Practice Peace and Tolerance.
Then -
We can be Friends.

E. Valentine May 5/04 ©


swenglishexpat said...

I am still your friend, Eric. Hope you are doing better and better.

Forsythia said...

Our two-year-old grandson has a new sentence, which he practices many times a day. It's "I LIKE it!" That's how I feel about your lovely poem, Eric.

Janice Thomson said...

Well said Eric. Let's share a tea over friendship.

Stephanie said...

well said, Eric.

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Swen, and I yours. I'm just sorry I don't get in as often but that will change my friend. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Thank you so much for your comment Forsythia. Kids can be cute at that age and so eager to learn.. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Thank you also Janice, a cup of tea sounds about right. I do hope all is well with you once more, times can be rough when you don't need it. Take care my friend. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Stephanie, thank you, nice seeing you again, I do hope to get back in here more often soon. :)

DarkWing said...

awesome idea, made me smile

Eric Valentine said...

Hi NN, glad you came for a visit again.. ;)