Monday, August 11, 2008

Hockey Night in Canada

Just lately there has been a lot of hullabaloo about the Hockey Night in Canada theme music. The surprising thing is, this music has been used for the last forty years ~ now all of a sudden this commotion.

This has prompted CBC to scamper around, considering the unspeakable. The Toronto Star newspaper has even launched a contest for a replacement song/poem, so at a suggestion of a friend I thought ~ why not!

Hockey Night in Canada

With the sounding of the trumpet,
The drumming of the beat
Excitement reaching feverish pitch,
As the fans reach out to greet.

Players coming onto the ice.
Cherry waving, takes a look
Smiling, as excitement resounds
With the dropping of the puck.

The roar of the impatient crowd,
Sounding out the rallying call,
It’s hockey night in Canada
Come on you fans, come all.

Eric Valentine Aug 11-08 ©

Go git em Leafs!


After further research I have discovered my friend was wrong. They are looking for a song not a poem!.. ~ Any takers?! LOL



zirelda said...

I love it! I always enjoy reading what you write Eric.

Leon said...

Very well done, my friend! I like everything except the partisanship toward the leafs. Of course, I am a native of Detroit and remember cheering the Red Wings of Abel, Lindsay, Howe, Pavilich, Kelly, Sawchuk et al. Of course, that memory does give away my age, doen't it?

Eric Valentine said...

Thank you Zirelda.

I have my neighbor to thank for getting me writing, and that piece. :)

Eric Valentine said...

Thank you so much Leon. I was very pleased the way it turned out, surprisingly it didn't take too long either.

The Leafs were an afterthought, after all, it's been sparse since 1964 I believe. LOL

I remember Terry Sawchuck. Now we are both showing our age. :D But it's all in how you feel and I feel great! I know you do too my friend. .. :)

Janice Thomson said...

Well it's a neat poem you wrote Eric!
I wonder though why they want to change the theme song? - if it has worked this long why change it? I'm not even a hockey fan but even I recognize the theme song :)

Eric Valentine said...

Hi Janice, it all has to do with copyrites and the author of the song. The thoughts are, in ten yrs the CR will run its course, so they want to make some money from it. It's a mixed up mess and I understand the CTV is also in the picture now, thus the need for another tune.

drips of paint said...

now that you have done your part, you friend will have to write the melody...

Eric Valentine said...

LOL@Tm, I think I would do better myself my friend.. however I will pass on this one. ;)